New flash in the works.... its an IP, not a tribute of Madness or anything.
After a long hiatus, I'm eager to make some good animations, improving on what I've already done.
Age 32, Male
Future Professor
Ohio State University Marion
New Bloomington, Ohio
Joined on 2/6/08
Posted by 9voltproductions - May 28th, 2009
New flash in the works.... its an IP, not a tribute of Madness or anything.
...IKEA Placemats?
...Intern Plant?
...Impish Portal?
...Impressive Presses?
...Integer Placeholder?
...Illuminated Pot?
...Illustrious Pope?
...Illuminati Person?
...iPod Plug?
...i Phone?...err...iPhone Phone?
...Immortalize Pantera? (Yes)
...Improvised Preaching?
...Improved Peaches?
...Irrevocably Phat?
...Incredibly Potent?
........Internet Ping?...
......Interpol Prankster?
....Igor's Plumpness?
...Inventive Protagonist?
..Inquisitive Programmer?
.Ingenious Pornstar?
Indigenous Pachyderm?
...Introductory Presentation?
...Iowa Politician?
...Idaho Potato?
...Icelandic Polar bear?
...Intricate Pillage?
...Intriguing Pus?
...Iconic Plague?
I could go on...what is it!? :D
...Irreplacable Petunia?
...Irony Produce?
INDEPENDANT PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How's the new flash coming?
Not much progress... I'm in Las Vegas...... (chuckle)
Your nose is abnormally large.
I know, because I live in your basement.
Some people call me by different names, (mold, feces, homeless) but I assure you, I mean no harm.
In fact, just yesterday, while I was thwarting the evil wizard Nigratits, I ran across this pack of wild, raging, giant rats. They were foaming at the mouth. Scary shit. Anyways, I killed them all with my Laser Shooting Longsword of Pineapple Expressions. I made my way to Nigratits' dark tower. Don't let the name fool you, it was pink. As I was saying, I made my way to Nigratits' tower, and when I got there, this guy had the gall to challenge me to a duel. So I willed him to death with sheer awesome-power. I went into the tower, and down to the basement, and broke every beam or wall that was supporting the building. With my penis. The tower fell, and Nigratits died under some rubble.
Now I told you that story, to tell you this story:
IP? ...International Pancake?
...Immortal Package?
...Immediate Pwnage?
...Illiterate Patriot?
...Infertile Pagan?
...Irresponsible Parent?
...Illustrated Poontang?
...Immobile Phobotech?
...Inconsiderate Pubescent?
...Internal Publishing?
...Iffy Poop?
...Illogical Pleats?
...Inch Poodle?
...Intimate Pedophile?
...Imperial Palpatine?
...Inferior Plumbing?
...Inconceivable Puma?